Posts by Shirley Swu

The Ultimate Guide to Fighting the Signs of Skin Aging

This guest article is originally posted at provenskincare.comThe Dreaded Skin Aging. It happens to All of Us!We age. So does our skin. Yes, skin ages. Causes run the gamut from dehydration, gravity, stress, sun damage, diet, smoking, excessive alcohol, genetics and the list goes on. The sooner we start caring for our skin with a daily (and nightly!) beauty routine, staying out of the sun, monitoring our diet and making our skin a priority, the longer we keep it healthier and
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Why You Should Be Using A Night Cream

This guest article is originally posted on Proven Skincare.If you have a skincare routine or just subscribe to the basics of skincare, you’ve probably tried a night cream—maybe you even use it every night (good for you!). But have you ever wondered why your skin might require a different moisturizer at night versus during a daily moisturizer? Is it some kind of marketing ploy, or is there any truth to the notion that your skin prefers one kind of cream at
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Scalp Aging is the Culprit of Facial Aging

Face aging is bad, but scalp aging is even worse!   Scalp and facial skin are closely interconnected. Research has found that our scalp ages 6 times faster than face, and more than 12 times faster than body; because scalp is the second thinnest skin in human body, and it is more fragile and prone to irritation. Human’s aging starts from scalp. When scalp becomes saggy, facial skin starts to loosen. The sagging starts from forehead, corner of the eye, to nasolabial folds,
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Is Men’s Skin Care Different To Women’s Skin Care?

This article is originally posted on Proven Skincare.As Different As Night and Day?Gentlemen. You may not be as tough as you think. Relax - we're referring to your skin.A big misconception is that a man’s skin is “tougher” than a woman’s. In fact, while overall, men have 20% thicker skin than women, men’s skin is more susceptible to sensitivity, skin conditions and infection.Surprised? Here’s why…Your Genetics Determine Your Skin Skin sensitivity is a big part of your genetic makeup. Men’s
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5 Causes of Adult Acne and How To Treat It

This article is originally posted on Proven Skincare. When you’re a teenager, self-conscious and unsure, acne can weigh on your self-esteem and make you feel like isolating yourself. You dream of a day when you’re older and zit-free, only to discover that acne does not necessarily ride off into the sunset on your 18thbirthday. For up to 22% of adult women and 3 percent of adult men, acne is something that lingers well into your adult years.  What’s the difference
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Best Anti-Aging Vitamins: 5 Supplements to Help Turn Back the Clock

Guest Post: This article was originally published at While aging may not be the most pleasant experience, the memories, experiences, and life lessons we learn along the way are invaluable. But what if someone told you there are ways to stop, or at least limit, the symptoms of aging. With help from specific vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, we can help rewind our body’s biological clock by replenishing valuable nutrients that we lose with age. That being said, aging is
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“Beauty Sleep” is a Real Thing

This guest article is originally posted on Proven Skincare. You’ve probably heard the phrase “beauty sleep” so many times that you stopped wondering if it meant much. Well, it does: sleeping the right amount every night is an essential part of maintaining optimal skin health, and there are many benefits of sleep for both your skin and overall health. Sleep is when your whole body does housekeeping to clean up and repair cells—and that includes your skin. During deep sleep, the natural
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Oily Skin Causes, Prevention and Treatments

This guest article is originally posted on Proven Skincare. When it comes to oily skin, the struggle is real. Everyone is after the “dewy glow”, and if you have oily skin, you certainly have an advantage. Oily skin tends to appear dewier (due to excess sebum and active sebaceous glands) and can be more resistant to wrinkling. However, oily skin can become extreme, leaving you with an embarrassing shine, due to overactive oil production. Oily skin types are more prone
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婚礼护肤全攻略做最美的新娘 Wedding Skincare Tips – the DOs and DON’Ts

筹备婚礼期间,作为准新娘的肯定会非常忙碌,想要在婚礼当天展露宛如初生的白嫩美肌,也不能忽视婚礼前的护肤功课哦!小麦精心整理了婚礼前护肤保养必知的Do & Don’t,希望能帮到所有准新娘们!   ✅Do – 婚礼前必做的保养事  1. 婚前两周密集保湿美白 Boost Skin Hydration 平时不注重皮肤保养的新娘们,一定要抓住婚前两周的时间进行密集保养。临时抱佛脚虽然达不到长期坚持护肤的效果,但还是能够帮助你的肌肤最快的得到恢复。敷面膜是一种快速有效改善肤质的方法,建议每隔两天敷?补水保湿面膜(以补水保湿面膜为主,偶尔使用美白、抗老的搭配敷),皮肤状态会越来越水润透亮。 建议产品:麦吉丽魔力焕颜蚕丝面膜 Mageline Magic Beauty Brightening Facial Mask, 麦吉丽生物质石墨烯面膜系列 Biomass Graphene Deep Hydrating Mask, Multi-Effect Firming Mask, Refreshing & Brightening Mask 2. 全面去角质 Exfoliate Face & Body 在婚礼前,首先需要给肌肤做好深层清洁去角质的工作。不但能改善暗沉粗糙肤质,还能提亮肤色,同时促进肌肤对护肤品的吸收。在结婚前,根据自身肤质,用天然温和去角质产品为脸部和身体去角质,身体肌肤和脸部肌肤同样重要,光滑闪亮的肌肤是婚纱最好的衬托,婚礼前两个月应开始身体去角质,以每周一次为宜。去角质后另忘了保湿工作,敷个面膜和全身涂上滋润身体乳锁住水分。 建议产品:麦吉丽黄糖活效洁肤面膜 Mageline Brown Sugar Revitalising Cleansing Mask   3. 滋润嫩白脸部, 颈部和双手 Brightening and Firming – Face, Neck and Hand Care 新娘的肌肤一定要达到最佳状态,上妆效果才能更加持久亮丽。双手要在众人的见证下戴上婚戒,许下执子之手与子携老的誓言,此时怎能让干枯黯沉的双手来搅局?麦吉丽素颜三部曲, 一套解决8大肌肤问题~暗黄、粗糙、皱纹、痘印、斑点、松弛、毛孔粗大、色素沉淀,坚持使用一个月就能看到肌肤改善,配上逆时光肌底精华液, 每瓶拥有83万植物干细胞,使肌肤提亮紧致细滑嫩白。别忘了为颈部和双手涂上贵妇美颜膏哦. 建议产品: 麦吉丽素颜三部曲 Mageline 3-Step Skincare Set, 逆时光肌底精华液 Reverse Time Essence, 胶原蛋白拍拍乳Collagen Tapping Lotion 4. 颈部去角质 Neck Care 颈部最易暴露岁月痕迹,地心引力的影响以及水分流失,持续不断遭受头部的压迫,在你分分秒秒转动、低头中,让颈纹无法避免的出现。想要结婚当天有个天鹅美颈现在就来补救吧!可在每天洗澡时用热毛巾湿敷颈部,促进血液循环加快肌肤角质软化。然后用角质霜去除表面的死皮细胞和粗糙感,最后选择一款补水抗皱的霜进行按摩。 建议产品:麦吉丽逆时光奇迹面霜 Mageline Reverse Time Miracle Facial Cream 5. 脸上后背舒缓祛痘 Anti-Acne for Face & Body 露背婚纱是婚礼上一抹亮丽的风景线!但脸部后背皮肤常常因上火、出汗加上清洁不当造成细菌感染诱发红红的小痘痘,不疼不痒却影响美观。洋甘菊, 薰衣草,芦荟能够帮助疏通毛孔改善发炎皮肤,辅助缓解痘痘敏感红肿。每周可做两三次红茶薰衣草面膜。早晚涂抹肌源修复啫喱可镇静安抚, 改善脆弱泛红痘痘等问题。 建议产品: 麦吉丽红茶薰衣草面膜 Mageline Black
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Top 10 Eye Care Tips for Beautiful Eyes

Eyes are one of the first signs of aging, as the skin around the eyes is significantly thinner than the rest of the skin on our face. Taking care of your beautiful eyes should never be overlooked and you should start using eye care product as early as your 20s. More often than not, we always overuse our eyes. We spend more than 8 hours in front of computer and handphone before going to sleep. Moreover, exposure to UV rays,
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