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Privacy Policy does not share personal information with third parties.

The information on this website is for educational purposely only. This information has been based on solely on the experience and research of the individuals involved. No responsibility is assumed by the author nor anyone connected with this website for the use of this information and no guarantees of any kind are made for the performance or effectiveness of the recommendations provided. This website does not represent professional medical care. Please seek medical attention for nay concerns regarding your personal health.

Unless stated otherwise (e.g. by a hyperlink to the source), all images and contents on are copyright, belonging to the creator of this site, Shirley. If you wish to use photos to share and repost, please ask for permission. Once you have permission, cite the source and give credit back to this website For other use, please contact me.

Product Samples/Reviews
I gladly accept product samples, but only if they align with the philosophy of the website (same applies for sponsorships). There’s no guarantee that every product sent will be featured on the blog. Items sent for editorial/review consideration cannot be returned. You can send me product for consideration, but it doesn’t guarantee a review in exchange or a mention on social media. Please keep in my mind that I’m not always able to give specific dates for published articles. Some products require more time for an accurate and detailed review, so I’m asking for your understanding in that matter. However, I’ll remain in contact with you (emails/social medias) throughout the review process to keep you updated.

Affiliate Links
In some posts on this site may include Affiliate links for products that are mentioned in reviews. I only make small commission if items that are ordered directly through affiliate links are purchase. These sales help me to keep pursuing my passions and to be able to try more products to test out and recommend to all of you! So, if you buy through my link, thank you so much! I am never paid for any positive reviews and will always give my honest opinion. I will never recommend any product, brand or store unless I use and love them myself.