2020 Good Fortune Makeup Tips

2020新年开运妆,鼠年开运妆如何化? 让你一年旺到底!! 2020年鼠年马上就要到来了,面对新的一年,每个人一定都想拥有好的运气。下面就来给大家介绍一下,在新的一年里应该如何化开运妆。   一、保持脸部干净清爽 现在很多人都喜欢浓妆艳抹,这种画法虽然能够引起他人的注意,但对自己的运势却不好,因为五官长相其实也是可以影响一个人的运气。如果想新的一年一切顺利,在化妆的时候首先要选择清淡的妆容,保持脸部的干净是最为重要的。尤其要注意印堂的位置,如果有多余的杂毛要剔除,再刷上比较明亮的粉底,这样未来一年事业方面的运势发展也会比较顺利。 ?推荐:麦吉丽轻盈水润无瑕气垫BB霜Mageline Light Flawless Cushion BB Cream https://magelineworld.com/…/mageline-light-flawless-cushion… 二、眉毛不可杂乱 眉毛不但影响一个人的脸型,还直接影响到运势。如果你的眉毛天生比较浓密杂乱,一定要记得及时修剪。在化妆的时候,尽量画出比较柔和的弧度,过于锋利的挑眉和高过印堂的眉毛都是不可取的,容易给人造成凌厉不好相处的感觉,不但影响人际关系,还影响桃花运。大家可以根据自己的脸型,选择比较时尚柔和的眉形,不但能够开运,还有助于提高自己的颜值。 ?推荐:麦吉丽3D塑形眉妆笔 Mageline 3-in-1 Sculpturing Eye Brow Pencil https://magelineworld.com/…/…/mageline-3-in-1-eyebrow-pencil   三、选择合适的眼影 在化妆步骤里,眼部的妆容是重头戏,如何选择眼影非常重要。粉色或者紫色可以帮助你在新的一年遇到爱情。开运妆比较忌讳的就是烟熏妆了,尤其眼影这方面,容易在视觉上给人造成颓废的感觉。新年开运可以用适当的棕色或者咖啡色来修饰自己的眼睛,会让眼神显得更加明亮,可以增强自己在事业方面的运势。在新的一年如果有跳槽的想法,这种偏暗色系的眼影也是非常适合的。 ?推荐:麦吉丽流光五色眼影Mageline 5-Tone Eye Shadow Palette https://magelineworld.com/…/mageline-eye-shadow-palette-%E6…     四、唇部护理到位 在很多人的认知里,认为开运妆就一定要涂抹大红色的口红,其实这种想法有些偏激。比起使用明艳的口红,开运妆更加注重基础保养。嘴唇上有细纹或者太过于干燥都不利于提升面部精神,所以平时要及时补水,多用滋润唇膏护理。这个新年,推荐选用玫瑰豆沙,蜜桃粉,赤茶橘,格调玫瑰,肯定让好运升级! ?推荐:麦吉丽纯色倾心口红Mageline Pure Colour Admiring Lipstick https://magelineworld.com/…/p…/mageline-pure-colour-lipstick 五、适当使用腮红 腮红可以让一个人的面部显得更加饱满有光泽,也可以让脸色变得更好看。开运妆中腮红是重头戏,可以根据当天的妆容选择合适的颜色使用,但注意使用面积不宜太大,也不能过分夸张,否则就适得其反了。 ?推荐:麦吉丽立体四色腮红Mageline Moisturizing Blusher https://magelineworld.com/…/p…/mageline-moisturizing-blusher 六、鼻子立体饱满 一个人的鼻子也关系到财运,所以在化开运妆的时候,可以选择用高光或者粉底修饰鼻子两边,在视觉上给人造成鼻子挺拔饱满的效果。但要记住颜色不能太深,否则鼻梁过于深邃容易给人距离感,无法吸引贵人。 https://magelineworld.com/collections/comestics-1 Shop Now
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13 Signs Your Body Is Lacking Collagen!

Collagen Loss - Do you have these Symptoms?1.   skin loses its elasticity2.   reduce epidermal thickness3.   weaker skin gets easily damaged4.   cellulite ~ builds up an excess of liquid5.   increase wrinkles and sagging6.   poor memory7.   cartilage ~ joint stiffness and joint pain8.   toothache, sensitive teeth, tooth loss9.   muscles aches10. hair loss, thinner hair, duller11. poor sleeping quality12. dry eyes13. infertility, etcWhy Collagen is Important for the skin? As you get older and collagen production declines, fine lines, loose skin, and dryness can
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7-Step Natural Anti-Aging Skincare Tips

Your appearance can change depending on how you wash your skin and how you apply your skincare products. You should wash your face twice a day. To improve the appearance of your skin, follow the anti-aging tips below.7-Step Natural Anti-Aging Skincare TipsRemove your eye makeup before you wash your faceDon’t use your face wash to remove eye makeupUse a gentle, yet effective eye & lip makeup remover + cotton pads to remove eye makeup and lipstick. Be gentle to avoid
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Top 10 Things You Must Do in Okinawa

Okinawa - Experience Asia's very own HawaiiOkinawa means “rope in the open sea”, a fairly apt description of this long stretch of islands (>150 islands) in the East China Sea between Japan and Taiwan, with total land area of 2,271km2. An island surrounded by beautiful ocean. It's known for its tropical climate, broad beaches and coral reefs, as well as World War II sites. Okinawa is a prominent Japanese resort area, blessed with a warm climate throughout the year. There
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The Absolute Beginner Guide To Own The Basic Makeup Tools

Basic Makeup Tools for Every Skill LevelWhat makeup tools should you have? Although sometimes it is good to use your fingertips to blend makeup products into your face as this gives you a better feel of their textures, however, brushes, sponges, puffs and other makeup tools are necessary to help you do a better job. A small pair of scissors, tweezers and eyelash curlers are also some basic grooming items that every woman should have.Makeup BrushesBrushes are essential makeup tools.
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The Compact Guide To Build The Right and Natural Skincare Routine For Your Skin Type

In Western countries, the standard skincare routine tends to be a 3-step process of cleaning, toning, and moisturizing. More skin savvy women may have a 4-step skincare routine that also includes a serum. In contrast, Asian skincare routine can have anywhere from 5-step up to 12-step skincare routine in the morning and evening. It seems a huge difference by comparison, and it may even sound like it would overwhelm the skin with moisture. But it is not overwhelming at all.
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Stop Toxifying Your Skin

Are you covering your skin with toxins? Have you ever checked the ingredients of your skincare and cosmetic products?Do you know that the chemicals in most skincare and cosmetic products may be toxic enough to actually accelerate the aging process, which is the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish with your skincare. Even in these days of increased regulation and consumer watchdog groups, there are a number of new products introduced each year that still contain damaging chemicals! Bear in
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How To Tackle Your Skin Concerns/Problems?

Skin concerns describe a condition or occurrence outside of your skin’s natural moisture levels i.e. acne, wrinkles & fine lines, dehydrated, sensitivity, dullness, uneven tone, hyperpigmentation. The best way to identify your skin concerns is to think about what struggles you have had with your skin consistently over the past 3 months. In this article, I am going to share with you on How to Tackle Your Skin Concerns naturally.SensitivitySkin sensitivity is a complex skin concern that can be caused
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How To Determine Your Skin Type In Just 3-Step!

Beauty begins with Healthy Skin. The ideal state for skin is dewy, clear, smooth, resilient and luminous. This optimal complexion doesn’t come naturally. It’s something that must be worked toward with a consistent and effective natural skincare routine. Caring for your skin means first being aware of your skin type and skin concern then get the right products and right treatment to complement your complexion. It also helps you find specific tips and tricks for that skin type. Skin types can
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